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Home>Vaaree Journals>Marie Kondo's Joyful Home: Room-by-Room Transformation

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Marie Kondo's Joyful Home: Room-by-Room Transformation

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Oct 03, 2023

Whether it is a relationship, a job, or items in your home, you must know when to dump them for living life the way you’ve always envisioned! Though we can’t do much about the first two elements, Vaaree can certainly help you organize and declutter your home, the Marie Kondo way!

Warning: Applying the Marie Kondo Method might result in instant gratification and abundant home space.
Unfolding the Marie Kondo Method
ALWAYS start with assessing how you are presently living. You can ponder questions like your mental state, what you want to surround yourself with, and the things you’d need for optimal functionality.
Then, imagine how you’d actually like to live. Easy to access kitchen pantry, neatly categorized clothes, well-organized bedding, etc.
Marie Kondo suggests organizing in one go instead of doing it in bits. This is because if you clean out once in a while, clutter always comes back. Instead, engage in a full-fledged tidy-up festival. Though the spree might take weeks, it’s worth all the time and peace it brings!
The decision to discard or keep an item as per KonMari method is simple – take the item in your hand, look, and feel it. If it sparks a sense of joy, trust your intuition, and keep it. If not, thank it for all the time it has enhanced your life and then dispose. Repeat this Marie Kondo declutter process until you have gone through all the owned possessions.
Marie Kondo method suggests tidying up in the following order: Clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items. As an example - gather all the clothing items throughout the home. Once you have it all, perform the joy check. Repeat for all categories.
Marie Kondo Method for Living Room
The living room is where everyone spends most of their time and mental energy. Yet, it happens to be one of the most unthoughtful spaces in any home.

If the furniture is too old or doesn’t appeal anymore, do the Marie Kondo joy test, and change it. Too expensive? Change only the cover!
Ensure everything in the living room has its respective storage. For instance, all remote controls go in an easy-to-access organizer. Likewise, a storage basket to fold and keep throws when not in use.
The living room must have all types of lamps and lightings to cater for every mood. Ambiance light for hosting times, table lamp for added coziness, etc.
Marie Kondo Method For Kitchen
A hygienic, nourishing, and easy-to-prepare meal demands a super-organized kitchen!

From rotis to dry foods, vegetables and oils, everything in the kitchen decor should be in a container or bottle.
As per the Konmari method, store like items together. For instance, in one cabinet, store all pulses. Similarly, in another cabinet, arrange all snacks. Additionally, label everything and arrange them by height.
Never overstock!
Marie Kondo Method For Bathroom
Create an affordable retreat right in your home by applying Marie Kondo method in your bathroom!

Gather beauty products from around the house – dresser, different bathrooms, wardrobe, etc. Perform a joy check and discard or donate the items that don’t thrill you a little.
Instead of using products directly from the brand’s bottle, empty them into organizers that please your eye and soul. Get a bathroom decor set to prevent items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. from lying around.
Arrange and label the section under your sink. For instance, one organizer for cleaning liquids, another for sponges, etc.
Have a functional wall decor like hooks to hold towels.
Marie Kondo Method For Bedroom
Marie Kondo says the bedroom is the place to relax and rejuvenate. And rightly so!

In your bedroom, Marie Kondo tidying up starts with making up the bed as soon as you wake up. This practice sets the tone for the rest of your day.
Have joy-sparking clothes arranged color-wise on matching hangers in your wardrobe. Also, arrange clothes on the shelves from heavy to light or least used to most used.
Soft lighting is a must for an unmatched sleep routine.
A signature and scent is always welcomed.
Konmari method recommends having a designated place even for small items like vases, accent pieces, etc.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ):
1. What is the KonMari method, and how does it apply to organizing specific rooms in my home?
KonMari method is a simple and effective tidying up technique. It is specially designed for people who have a habit of holding on to needless things. Decluttering tips by Marie Kondo are not for everyone. The approach is only for people who want to be surrounded by possessions that are truly loved; rather than items that take up unnecessary space in the house and heart.
2. How can I start applying the KonMari method to my bedroom?
Here is how you can start applying the Marie Kondo method to your bedroom:

KonMari method focuses highly on gratitude. So, start by thanking the universe that you have a space to declutter and organize. Then, visualize the kind of bedroom you want yours to become.
Once you have a clear idea of your dream bedroom, start with the basics. Arrange all the clothes you own neatly on the bed or floor. Pick each item and ask yourself – “Does this item spark joy?”. The answer should be a simple YES or NO. It shouldn’t be yes IF I become thin. For all the items that fall in the ‘NO’ category, thank them and toss or donate them.
Use the above Marie Kondo declutter technique with other soft furnishings in your bedroom too – like bedsheets, showpieces, etc.
Make sure everything in the bedroom – on the outside (furniture, bed, etc.) and inside (wardrobe) is always neat and organized.
3. What are some KonMari tips for organizing a chaotic kitchen?
Marie Kondo method works with every part of your life, even the kitchen! Here are a few ways to implement KonMari method for organizing a chaotic kitchen:

Clean the kitchen thoroughly before you start.
Start by removing everything from the cabinets and arranging them on the floor. Then, ask yourself – “Does this spark joy?”. If not, time to thank and say goodbye.
As per Marie Kondo tidying up technique, you must have a container for everything in the pantry. Spices, condiments, pulses, dry snacks, cereals, different types of pasta, noodles, etc. Get them in sets for a super aesthetic appeal.
Don’t forget to box up or bag up items in the fridge too!
4. Can you provide KonMari advice for decluttering and organizing a home office or workspace?
Marie Kondo declutter advice for organizing a home office or workspace includes:

Visualize how you’d like your dream home office or workspace to be.
Gather all the existing items, ask the gold question – “Does it spark joy?” and discard the ones that don’t.
Now categorize, label and organize the rest of the items – files, stationery, holders, tech box, etc.
Compare the items you own with your visual board and gather the rest of the supplies.
To avoid over-buying, ask the joy question to yourself before purchasing.

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