ALWAYS start with assessing how you are presently living. You can ponder questions like your mental state, what you want to surround yourself with, and the things you’d need for optimal functionality.
Then, imagine how you’d actually like to live. Easy to access kitchen pantry, neatly categorized clothes, well-organized bedding, etc.
Marie Kondo suggests organizing in one go instead of doing it in bits. This is because if you clean out once in a while, clutter always comes back. Instead, engage in a full-fledged tidy-up festival. Though the spree might take weeks, it’s worth all the time and peace it brings!
The decision to discard or keep an item as per KonMari method is simple – take the item in your hand, look, and feel it. If it sparks a sense of joy, trust your intuition, and keep it. If not, thank it for all the time it has enhanced your life and then dispose. Repeat this Marie Kondo declutter process until you have gone through all the owned possessions.
Marie Kondo method suggests tidying up in the following order: Clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items. As an example - gather all the clothing items throughout the home. Once you have it all, perform the joy check. Repeat for all categories.